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Manufacturer Name:Haier
Main Products:MCU
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Shanghai Eastsoft Microelectronics Co.,Ltd. (formerly Shanghai Haier integrated circuit Co., Ltd.) was established in 2000, it was acquired by Qingdao Eastsoft Microelectronics Co.,Ltd. in 2015 and completed the company change.

Company focusing on high anti-interference, high reliability and special micro controller products, to help customers improve product performance, reduce development risk, reduce cost and shorten development time, provide high quality components of world class products throughout the various applications for customers in all regions. Products have been widely used in white goods, small appliances, industrial control, automotive electronics, intelligent instrument etc..

With independent research and development, localization market support experience, it's growth ability also grow with each passing day. Shanghai Eastsoft Microelectronics believes that, through hard work and try to keep the firm and indomitable, pay the total return, Chinese National IC design companies will usher in a independent and glorious moment.

P&S Building,Wudayuan 3 Road,Donghu High-Tech Develop District,Wuhan, P.R.C
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